A Sentientist conversation with philosopher A.C. Grayling about “what’s real?”, “who matters?” and “How can we make a better world?”

A Sentientist conversation with philosopher A.C. Grayling about “what’s real?”, “who matters?” and “How can we make a better world?”
Mark is a psychoanalyst & neuropsychologist. Sentientism is “evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings.”
Amy Wilson is an Animal, Human & Earth Rights Lawyer. She founded the Animal Law Reform & Animal Law Africa NGOs.
“Imagining a better future through our everyday decisions.” In this video, Jamie talks to the host of The Animal Turn Podcast and PhD Candidate in Geography at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, Claudia Hirtenfelder.We talk about cycling 6,000km across Asia using vegan power! and Claudia’s journey from Christianity to atheism. We discuss how to temper our rationality with humility and by considering diverse perspectives and how to temper our focus on the value of individual sentients with a recognition of social factors.