Pablo is a PhD candidate at Royal Holloway. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”
Tag: Relativism
“Animal farming will end by the end of this century” – Jacy Reese Anthis
Jacy is a social scientist & co-founder of the Sentience Institute. His acclaimed book, The End of Animal Farming, analyzes the development & popularisation of food technologies such as plant-based & cultivated meat. In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”
“There is no us and them” – Yasmine Mohammed – Ex-Muslim Activist – New Sentientist Conversation
Yasmine is an ex-muslim rights activist, advocating primarily for the rights of women living within Islamic majority countries.
“Animal activists don’t have to be on the political left” – Josh Milburn – New Sentientist Conversation on Podcast and YouTube
Josh is a moral & political philosopher with research interests in animal ethics, the philosophy of food, liberal & libertarian political theory & applied ethics.
“I’m concerned with oppression in all its forms” – Joey Tuminello – New Sentientist Conversation
Joey is assistant professor of philosophy at McNeese State Uni & program coordinator for the nonprofits Farm Forward & Better Food Foundation.
“Maybe moral systems are harmful! Like religion, they are used to divide us.” – Walter Veit – New Sentientist Conversation
Walter is an interdisciplinary scientist, philosopher & writer focusing on biology, minds & ethics. He publishes the ‘Science and Philosophy‘ series on Psychology Today and Medium.
“If you hand most people a knife they won’t stab a cow!” – John Oberg – New Sentientist Conversation
John is a professional animal advocate & public speaker. You can support his work at
and follow him at
In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”
“Vegan stuff is going to be hot!” – Sociologist Corey Lee Wrenn – New Sentientist Conversation
Corey Lee Wrenn is a UK-based American sociologist and scholar of social movements and human-nonhuman relations.
In these Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”
“Change is possible but hard” – Jeff Sebo – Author, Activist, Academic – New Sentientist Conversation
We talk about spanning philosophy disciplines and taking academic thinking into the real world through activism for a multi-species political society. We discuss Jeff’s journey from considering Christian ministry, through reactionary atheism, then to a more generous interpretation of religious thinking. We cover naturalism, sentience, the nature of consciousness and much more!
“Imagining a better future through our everyday decisions” – Podcaster and academic Claudia Hirtenfelder – New Sentientist Conversation
“Imagining a better future through our everyday decisions.” In this video, Jamie talks to the host of The Animal Turn Podcast and PhD Candidate in Geography at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, Claudia Hirtenfelder.We talk about cycling 6,000km across Asia using vegan power! and Claudia’s journey from Christianity to atheism. We discuss how to temper our rationality with humility and by considering diverse perspectives and how to temper our focus on the value of individual sentients with a recognition of social factors.