Find our Sentientist Conversation here on the Sentientism YouTube and here on the Sentientism podcast.
Jill has been a leading voice in digital media for more than a decade. She’s been published in outlets including MTV, The Huffington Post, and the Village Voice. She served as Head of Content for a popular vegan media platform from 2017-2020, with a reach of more than 50 million per month. She has worked with a number of impact media platforms to help build their traffic and positioning, as well as with leading brands and celebrities working to make the world a more sustainable and ethical space. Jill is the co-founder, CEO and Head of Content for Ethos.
In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the three most important questions: “what’s real?”, “who matters?” and “how can we make a better future?”
Sentientism is “evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” The audio is also on our Podcast here on Apple & here everywhere else.
We discuss:
00:00 Welcome
01:42 Jill’s Intro
- Immersed in digital content
- Co-founding
- Vegan media & natural foods industries
- The #Conspirituality podcast & #DavidWolfe
03:42 What’s Real?
- “The religion that governed my house was #bobdylan “
- Parents raised #Jewish, father became atheist, “7/11 jewish” mother
- Kicked out of hebrew school “one of my father’s more proud moments”
- Living with dad after parents split
- Child of the 80’s “you’re on your own journey”
- Constantine Sandis
- Becoming a mum
- Animals’ different realities
- “We’re the chosen people… an egregious statement… how can one group matter more?.. after so much suffering”
- #Israel & #palestine
- Fond memories of Jewish culture but “as a rule to live by… not at all”
- “this omnipresent god… directing every moment of my life… I wanted the autonomy”
- #Agnostic. Open to the idea of “some sort of god”
- #dogma
- The risks of the #wellness / #spirituality worlds. #antivaxx, #Qanon, #alternativemedicine
- Open-mindedness, evidence & gut-feel
- #DavidWolfe shows a #moonlanding #conspiracy video
- Distrust of authority
- Scepticism about vaccines didn’t seem too serious “to each their own”. Then #covid19 hits
- “I very much prefer to have science in my corner… but sometimes you can just tell”
- A denial, scepticism, gullibility spectrum?
- David Wolfe “leveraging science when it supported his narrative but slamming it when it didn’t”
- Gossip as “a way to keep the tribal community safe”
- “Conspiracy theories… we use them unconsciously to defend ourselves”
32:10 What & Who Matters?
- “I don’t think you need religion to know good from bad”
- @Sam Harris
- Raising a #vegan child “she asked what it was and I said that used to be a pig’s stomach or back…”
- “She seems very much to understand that basic level of compassion”
- “The food is so delicious and so abundant… she’s never felt left out”
- “Don’t you find it hard to be vegan?” “She was just confused by the question”
- “I was always vegan but didn’t have a word for it.” Being disgusted by animal-based foods as a child but loving fruit & veg
- Discovering Turkish food “really changed me”
- 7th grade trying to go veggie w/a friend
- “By my late teens I’d heard the word ‘vegan’… Oh, I’m vegan!… I never looked back.”
- The Smiths “#Meat is Murder”
- #Wildanimals suffering “who doesn’t feel sympathy…?”
- “It’s shocking that you can get sympathy to that [wild animal suffering] while they’ve got a burger in their hand”
- “Our choices matter”
- Human & non-human caused harms
- #Biocentrism, #Ecocentrism & links to spiritual worldviews?
- #psychedelics & #ayahuasca “everything was completely connected… there was no separation… it all serves its purpose… except for mosquitoes” 🙂
- The ethics of cutting a blade of grass vs. cutting a pig
- Species/populations vs. individual sentients
- Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma”. Factory farming, non-factory farming, hunting
- Hunting communities: “Do they have a communication with that animal that gives permission on some deep level”? (no)
“We will evolve to eat far fewer animals… for the planet… & a moral obligation” - “We’re in free-fall” Covid, env., wars. Finding priority space for non-human animals is tough
01:01:55 A Better Future?
- #genz & #genalpha give us hope
- Ethos: “Telling these stories in the gentlest way… giving people choices.”
- @Stella McCartney ‘s #sustainablefashion
- #Cultivatedmeat approaching price parity
- Compassion w/out sacrifice “We’re really just at the beginning”
- JW “One day we won’t need the word #vegan”
- “Institutional changes come about because of individual changes”
- Ethical #capitalism / #consumerism ?
- #justtransition
- “I could never have dreamed…” #burgerking switching to vegan default
Sentientism is “Evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” More at
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Thanks to Graham for the post-production and to Denise for funding this episode via our Sentientism Patreon.