I had the pleasure of being interviewed about sentientism by Iona Italia on the Two for Tea podcast. Have a …
#RemainerNow Reasons
What makes someone change their mind about Brexit? What makes someone brave enough to admit it – even on Twitter? …
In a Sentientist World – What Disappears?
Sentientism is a philosophy that commits to using evidence, applying reason and granting degrees of moral consideration to all sentient …
Universal Declaration of Sentient Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was a milestone in moral and political thinking and remains an influential reference …
Sentientism – Raising Awareness
If you think sentientism is important and would like to help raise awareness of the idea – here are some …
A Unifying Morality? How is Sentientism Different?
I wrote about the basics of sentientism in this Areo article. In short, sentientism applies evidence and reason and extends moral consideration to all sentient …
Is Humanism good enough?
I’ve had some great conversations since my article on sentientism was published in Areo. As a reminder, sentientism is an …
Humanism needs an upgrade: Is Sentientism the philosophy that could save the world?
There is a little-known philosophy, well-founded in reality, that provides a sound basis for compassionate ethics and which will eventually …
Brexit – yet another letter to my MP…
Yet another Brexit letter to my MP – an ERG member… He has referred me to DExEU for a “fuller …
Book recommendations
These are wonderful books: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker. A robust and much needed defense of reason, science, humanism (even …